Since version 18 we have substantial changes in its internal code and makes for example that compatible skins for this latest version are only a few, as they need to be updated in each version. We already have Kodi v18.2 Leia available for download, a version that updates the official version 18.1.

These builds work perfectly on the brand new Kodi 18 Leia. Me gustaria saber si se puede instalar para conectarlo a un smart tv, o hay que incorporar el pro grama dentro de la tele. It is a fork of the popular Covenant addons which is actually number 1 on this list. Cependant, il offre un bon contenu adapté aux enfants et son utilisation est tout à fait légale. La liste des principaux addons Kodi Leia ne serait pas complète, du moins avec un addon pour les enfants. Through Decades, Kodi being a FOSS has evolved to a much greater level and Kodi Jarvis 1, Kodi Krypton 17 and Kodi 18 Leia are to be much noted of them. This addon contains all of the content and features you would expect. Il est de plus en plus commun de posséder un centre. We are about to expose an addon, with which you can update Kodi to the latest version in a single click.